Cooperation with company Brennet Fashion AG helps us to make the right choice about the quality fabrics
Brennet – a name and brand existing for more than a century.
Presently, the company is integrated in Swiss Cilander Group, situated between the Rhine Valley, Alpstein mountain range and Lake Constance.
AG Cilander, the parent company of Brennet Fashion AG, has more than 200 years history in high quality finishing services and sticking to these traditions succeed to supply materials of the highest quality from all over the world.
The company owes its success to the development of customer-focused solutions in the basic areas of selected finishing services. It covers all stages of textile finishing, from pretreatment through dyeing and high-grade finishing to final inspection in its own test laboratory.

The synergy Brennet Fashion – AG Cilander guarantees fabrics and finishing for the highest standards giving a solution for all fabric needs.
The very latest international trends determine the fabric collections.